Saturday, August 1, 2009

Lazy Day...

Today was just a lazy day. I had no ambition to do a darn thing! Finally at about 4:30 I told myself to get up and do something! So, I rode my exercise bike for 6 miles, took a shower and decided to take the kids to see G-Force (at the 10PM show!) This is definitely city living here. I don't know what the heck I'm going to do when Christopher has to start school and start acting like all the other kids who have a schedule! Yikes. Mother of the year right? was a cute movie. Hope went along under protest, but ended up secretly enjoying it. But WE won't tell anyone on her Myspace will WE?? LOL. Hopefully, I will get some pictures up of her if I can get her to do a photo shoot with me! Taylor is coming down August 18th through the 24th. She managed to get some time off work. Things have been really busy at GAP, but that is good news for her and her savings account! She is loving that 50% discount as well! So, more good times ahead with another one of my kiddos.

I have to talk about this dream that I had the other night. I dreamed that I was at Disney's Magic Kingdom with Britany but she was about five years old. It was just Britany and I and we were watching a parade or fireworks by the castle. This family was there with little girls and I was watching them, holding Britany on my lap. I choked up and said to the parents "Enjoy every minute with them at this age. It will go by so quickly and you will miss these days more than I can tell you." I then pointed to Britany and explained to the parents that she was only there with me for the day because somehow, someone had figured out time travel and I got to have a day with her at that age and I wanted to take her to Disney but she was really 18 and leaving for the Academy the next day. I woke up with the tears still in my eyes....

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