Thursday, August 27, 2009

Morning Minutes USAFA

I know I have told some of you about the little "ceremony" thing that Brit has to go through each morning before breakfast, but I could never remember all of it and I think it's kind of neat. (I'm sure she isn't loving it at 6:30AM) But, I am just so gosh darn proud of her! She gets up each morning at 5:45 all on her own, and is standing outside of her room in formation at either 6:20 or 6:30 I can't remember exactly. Anyway, the night before, she has to go online with her USAFA issued laptop at find out what is for breakfast the next day and memorize it and memorize three news articles/current events because she could be stopped by a Cadre and asked.

So, I had her email me exactly what is said:

Morning minutes….

Class Rep: Pink Panthers prepare to call the 36th minute please.

All: Pink Panthers there are 36 minutes until the contact time for the morning meal. Uniform of the day is “blues” (or battle dress uniform/airman battle uniform depending on the day). Menu for the morning meal includes ….(say what is for breakfast) Pink Panthers I say again, there are 36 minutes until the contact time for the morning meal. Secure your lights and rooms please.

(We call the 36th, 30th, 25th, 20th, 15th, and 13th minute) we say all of that for every minute we call. We used to get “beat” during this time but they aren’t allowed to anymore. And don’t forget after the 13th and final minute we say “Pink Panther’s Pounce!”
(Pink Panters is her Squadron and it is 36 out of 40 squadrons. I am just happy she isn't in the squadron called Loose Hawgs...not kidding! I'm pretty sure "beat" means ordered to do push-ups, etc. =] )

So, I'm off to Toronto tomorrow. I will be back on September 1st and then leave for Colorado on the 3rd!!!! YIPPEEE!! I CANNOT wait. On Friday, the 4th, Christopher and I will go to the Academy and we get a tour and we get to actually go to her classes with her (all the parents do) On the 5th, we will get to see a football game which will be exciting I am sure! Be prepared because no doubt I will take a TON of pictures. =]

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