Thursday, January 29, 2009

Going Organic...

Well, Colin has been shopping organic for us for awhile as far as foods go. He always buys organic fruits, veggies, milk, cereal, etc. But, I started looking for organic cleaning products for the house and thanks to the Internet, stumbled onto one link after another of helpful information about the ingredients that are in most of the products we use daily. I wish I would have learned all of this when the girls were babies. At least I can try to educate them now. For example, you'd think Johnson's Baby Shampoo would be safe?? How is it the FDA allows a known cancer causing ingredient (formaldehyde) into a baby shampoo? Well, it is a small amount, so it passes, however what happens if that small amount is used daily for years??

If anyone is interested, here is a sample of some websites that I found. Most of these products can be purchased at your local grocery store or pharmacy!

Tom's Of Maine (toothpaste, deodorant, soap, mouthwash)

Naked Naturals (Shampoo and Conditioner)|2003381929&gclid=CPPKr9SbtJgCFQJHxwodQmiiUQ

Seventh Generation (household cleaners, feminine products, baby, laundry)

Organic Cosmetics/Skincare

Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone refused to buy products that knowingly put cancer causing ingredients in them and the companies were forced to clean up their products? Wouldn't it be wonderful to never have to fear cancer for our children, our grandchildren or ourselves??


AnnMarie said...

i was all over the BPAs in plastics when Cooper was first born. Crazy what we are exposed to these days.

This seminar is coming to may have yourself a "Green consultant" job before you know it:

robinbrittagain said...

Hmmm. Interesting! I will check it out! Colin bought us this great food sanitizer. We clean all of our fruits and veggies in it. It removes the pesticides. I am always harping on the girls to make sure they wash their fruits and veggies very carefully at their dads. Hopefully, I will get them to "go green" too. It's extra work and extra money..but...