Thursday, April 16, 2009

So, graduation is June 12th at 6PM. I can't believe it! I am trying to prepare myself for this!! I have been having a hard time sleeping lately. My mind is just racing in all different directions. I wake up and wonder if Britany got her community service slip from the guidance office? Can't participate in the graduation ceremony without that. Did she submit some work for her online courses? All assignments are due by May 18th for June graduation dates..and so on and so on...Taylor is having some issues with nasty girls being jealous of her (the usual high school drama)..I am pretty sure she can handle it, but I still think about it...Hope needs to finish school by June 10th to go to NH with me for far, so good (at least she tells me) And now, to top it off we discovered a cyst on Lola's back. Colin checked it last night and he said it feels totally benign but I will have to take her to the vet. He said if he found it on a person, he would probably just go ahead and remove it for them, so I guess we'll see if the vet wants to do that too. I am worried about how Christopher will handle Hope staying in NH for a few weeks over the summer. He will be a mess without her. I'm hoping to trade her for Taylor (lol) The timing will be tricky because Taylor wants to work at the YMCA camp that Brit did last year. It is run by Britany's gymnastics coach from Portsmouth. The camp is in New York. Britany made awesome money last year coaching the little kids. So, she is hoping to do that for a few weeks end of June first of July. So, anyway...

Sleepy in Seminole...

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