Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Terrible Two's Have Arrived!

Well, it's official. Christopher has entered that beautiful phase of toddler hood affectionately known as "The Terrible Two's".

It's weird though, because I swear it seems like he just woke up on the wrong side of the bed one week ago today and has just stayed grumpy. Don't get me wrong, he has had little tantrums here and there before now, but last Wednesday, something changed.

Whereas before, the tantrums were sporadic and predictable; now, he just flies off the handle over everything. I just don't understand it because it just seems like it kind of came on suddenly out of the blue sort to speak.

So, I am "google-ing" every parenting website known to man and later, if he takes his nap, I am going to sit down and enjoy a DVD by Dr. Harvy Karp called "The Happiest Toddler on the Block". Wish me luck!

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