Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Merry Christmas

Well, I am back at home again. This time, I have mixed feelings. It is certainly a relief to be home. Christopher was sick with a raging fever during most of my trip. Poor thing. It isn't easy taking care of a sick baby when you're 1500 miles away from home. Away from the comfort of his own surroundings; the familiarity that is comforting. Not to mention, a daddy who is a doctor and right there to lend a helping hand! When a sick baby is up half the night, you worry about how it could affect your host family. Anyway, we are home. And it feels good. I miss the girls, but this last visit really confirmed to me that they are doing well there. They are busy with their lives and friends and school. I would rather they spend every waking moment with me, but, I had to face the fact that they are growing up. It is a hard reality. Now, I look forward to their visit here in February!


AnnMarie said...

i have been waiting to hear of your return :) Looks like a great trip, the girls look great as always, I love the pic of Hope posing under the tree with her hoodie on! too cute. I hope Christopher is feeling better. Welcome back!

PS- Your hair looks great, love the bangs!

lahenry said...

awesome pictures! You and your girls should be models you all take such beautiful pictures.