Sunday, December 7, 2008


As I read Ann-Marie's blog for updates about her friend Hope, I am just left asking "Why?" I just don't get it. I really need someone to explain to me how there can be murderer's and rapists and child molesters breathing air and planning visits with family for the holidays when there is a beautiful, young woman with two small boys asking Ann-Marie help her wash and dry her hair because she has family and friends flying in to say good-bye to her.

Ann-Marie helped decorate her hospice room with a small tree and lights. Hope's two boys came to the hospital with Christmas gifts for mommy telling her to get better soon. They have no idea that this will be their last Christmas with her and how their lives are about to change forever. I think about all of the amazing miracle healing told in the bible and wonder again...."Why?"

Although I only met Hope on a few occasions, she is on my mind these days constantly; as I am doing laundry, making a meal, playing with Christopher or talking with loved ones on the phone. I think about how we all take these daily activities for granted and how each day that we have is a precious gift and sometimes feel guilty that I am able to go about my daily life while another woman's is slipping away.

I still pray for a Christmas miracle and hope that you all will too.


1 comment:

AnnMarie said...

thanks for the support and prayers. it's so hard to understand but I had a good conversation with an old friend today who's faith is so unwaivering.she reminded me that when God is in control, we have to sit back and see what He will do and if we are attentive, we will see His little miracles all around us...even in times like these.

This post shows you are seeing the gifts he has given you and I too am doing that more and more as wekk...I hope it strengthens my relationships with others..if I stay mindfull of the fact that every healthy day I have is a gift.