Saturday, February 23, 2008

Another Bump In The Road of Life

Well, Brit just learned that the height requirement for fighter pilots starts at a minimum of 64 inches. She is barely hitting 60. She was pretty sad and discouraged when she called me, but hopefully after our discussion, she will look at things differently. I guess if God wanted her to be a pilot, he would have built her accordingly. She is brainstorming now for new life direction! The University of Maryland flew up today to watch her practice. North Carolina is supposed to be coming in the next week or two I guess. Of course, I have my ideas for her. It is obviously her decision. It's not easy letting your babies grow up!!!


AnnMarie said...

all the girls are so full of never know what will be :)

Today's the day for your visit!

Enjoy oxoxoxoxx

robinbrittagain said...
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robinbrittagain said...

jeff sent me an email saying that he reviewed the information received from the academy which includes a program of gymnasts with profiles and stats. he said there is a gymnast 5'2" who listed her career goal as pilot. maybe there are different requirements depending on aircraft. the air force website lists fighter pilots as 64 but maybe it's different for other pilots. stay tuned!! i pick them up at 8:25!!

lahenry said...

I hope things work out the way she wants. Enjoy your visit!