Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thankful For My Treasures

We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures. ~Thornton Wilder

Well, I am off to New Hampshire today for a week. I am looking forward to spending Thanksgiving with my family. Britany is flying in from USAFA and it will be so amazing to see her again and give her a big squeeze.

Despite the amount of travel I have done lately, it just doesn't seem to get any easier. It seems like there is always something to stress me out. This trip, I cannot find the battery charger for my camera. And me on a trip without a camera???? I know that I saw it when I unpacked from my last trip, but my mind was on so many things. I remember thinking to myself "you'd better put this someplace safe so you don't forget about it" and yep, no clue where it is.

I'm thinking I can probably borrow Charmaine's camera and just put my memory card in there and bring it back home. The way my brain has been lately, I'd better not lose that memory card!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! God Bless xoxoxo

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