Friday, November 16, 2007

From Diapers To Driver's Licenses

Oh, why do our babies have to grow up so fast?

I feel sad today. Even sadder than usual since my girls moved away. I just woke up from such a terrible dream. Too terrible to even repeat. But, one scene from this awful nightmare keeps rewinding and playing over and over again in my mind.

The scene is my now 15 year old daughter, Taylor. She is three. It is her birthday party and she is trying to catch Mexican jumping beans. I can see her so clearly in her pretty little party dress, squealing with excitement. I can even smell her as I scoop her up to cuddle her and nuzzle my face into her neck.

Did such a birthday party really happen? Well, I don't recall any Mexican jumping beans, but oh did we have parties. When Taylor was little, every day was a party. She has a way about her that just draws people to her. Therefore, I would have to invite the entire neighborhood and half of her school to each party. I remember pony rides and hay rides, pinatas and arcades.

Taylor turned 15 in October. She still has that presence that just attracts people to her. She is still trying to keep up with her older sister Britany; just like she has done since she was three years old and she insisted we remove the training wheels from her bike at the same time we removed her sister's. So, there she was, three years old, riding this tiny bike without training wheels. (Usually in nothing else but her Barney undies and a pair of galoshes).

Of course Britany has been driving for a year now and Taylor had no other choice but to wait her turn. She will get her learner's permit this April. I miss those training wheels.

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