Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day 2008

We had a busy Father's Day yesterday. Poor Colin. No time to rest! He had office hours on Saturday, so that was just a regular day and then we had so much to try and squeeze in on Sunday, it didn't matter that it was Father's Day! We did go to church which was nice. Well, except that Christopher wasn't thrilled to be there. He kept saying "Go now?" every five minutes, despite the multiple snacks and toys that we brought.

After that, we went for brunch at one of Christopher's favorite restaurants and he got to see his "girlfriend"; a regular waitress there that he adores. I took a picture of her holding him. So cute.

We squeezed in an exciting hour of grocery shopping and topped off the night with dinner at John's Pass. We ate outside on the boardwalk. The weather was absolutely perfect. A gentle breeze and low humidity. Such a nice night to eat dinner outside. We love walking the boardwalk and looking in the shops. We didn't see any dolphins in the bay this time though and I skipped the frozen custard! All - in - all, not a bad day!

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