Thursday, April 17, 2008

"Baby..Blue Hat!"

I was reading Meredith's blog today about Brody's shirt and decided to share Christopher's OCD about his blue hat and pink ball.

So, Christopher has this blue hat with flaps that we bought for the beach, but he has decided that he has to wear it 24/7...yes, even to bed. Not kidding. May God help us if we can't find it. I started tucking the flaps up underneath it, just so I could see his face more. Just scroll down and take a look at the pictures. You'll see in almost every single picture, he is wearing the blue hat.

It used to be blue hat, green boots and his pink ball. However, green boots were just getting WAY too stinky. They have been out on the back patio for weeks now; the bottoms filled with talc powder. Thankfully, he has forgotten about them.

He loves Clearwater Beach and has been asking to go to "sand park" for the last couple of days (ever since we left there on Sunday!) So, I've been thinking that would be a nice little outing for the two of us. You know, no biggie, just hop in the van and zip over to Clearwater Beach for an hour or two just to play on the playground.

Of course, I wouldn't have dared leave the house without blue hat and pink ball. But, Mr. Christopher decided today to put a new twist on his hat obsession which nearly drove me to insanity. He kept taking it off and then starting a meltdown because he wanted me to "fix blue hat". Naturally, he doesn't understand that mommy cannot just stop the car in the middle of three lanes of traffic, climb into the back seat and fix blue hat.

When I am able to move over to the right lane, I pull over and fix blue hat. And, we're off again; for about a half a mile. Off comes the hat. "Fix blue hat! Fix blue hat, FIX BLUE HAT!!!!!!!!!!" The legs are kicking and the tears are rolling. All the way to Clearwater beach and all the way home. Hat on, hat off.

Looks like I need to find a spot on the back patio now for "blue hat"!

1 comment:

AnnMarie said...

my dad used to tell a story of how my grandma made him throw his pacifier in the hudson river in NY when she said it was time for him to give it up.

my mom always took the approach of hiding items or "putting them away in the back porch" until they "disappeared" and we forgot all about them.

my mom famously threw or put things away on us, even my dad. I am lucky to still have my teddy bear from my first Christmas and the same hairbrush "blackie" for 30plus years that I still clean and use to this day!