Monday, January 25, 2010


So, Colin and I decided that our New Year's resolution would be to "keep life simple". I have been on a mission to simplify my life. I have started with cleaning some of the clutter in the house. It is actually quite therapeutic cleaning out a closet or cupboard isn't it?? I went to Wal*Mart and bought some storage organizing items and started my project. I still have a LONG way to go, but at least it is a start. With each freshly organized cupboard or closet, I can literally feel stressful energy being lifted off of me. You know how when you just keep shoving things in that drawer saying "I've got to clean that out "soon", but really when is "soon"??

I was in Borders one day with Christopher when I passed the clearance rack on my way to the cashier. I saw a CD collection about "getting in balance" and balancing thoughts in order create the life you want. Soooo, I bought it. I thought "Wow. Yes, I could use this". So, after about a week, I finally got a chance to listen to it. It had been an utterly crazy couple of days. I had lost one set of car keys and had been using the back up set. I was stressed out about that. I had purchased some items for Colin's new office for a good sum of money and lost the receipt. I was stressed about that. It was just one thing after another. I put the CD in and one of the first things the speaker said was "Do you crave peace in your life, but attract chaos?" I kind of looked around thinking "Wow. This guy is talking to me!"

Anyway. That is my goal. I am trying to simplify my life. After listening to a small bit of the CD lecture, I ran into the book store and purchased the Tao Te Ching. I am trying to read it (and understand it lol) I am not only trying to reduce the clutter in my home, but in my life as well. You know what I'm talking about. You know how negative thoughts or stressful thoughts can make your mind feel cluttered?? I am trying to restructure my way of thinking so as to attract more peace to my life and less chaos!

Wish me luck!


AnnMarie said...

good luck and I'd love to read the book when you are done :)

robinbrittagain said...

=) i'd be happy to share it with you...