Monday, October 26, 2009

Sedona, Arizona

Ok, so now I want to move to Sedona! Oh my goodness was that place ever beautiful! First, let me say I was NOT expecting it. When we landed in Phoenix, I thought "nice, but would not want to live here". We stopped for dinner (I spotted a Sweet Tomatoes and Colin couldn't believe it!) After dinner, we drove over an hour and a half to Sedona. Well, it was pitch dark and I couldn't see a thing.

The next morning, Colin got up bright and early for his meeting. He walked out the door, turned around came back in and said "Come outside, it is so gorgeous out there". I'm thinking he is talking about the weather. So, I got up and walked out the door. I was blown away by the view from the terrace outside. I was shocked because on the way in the night before, you seriously could not even tell there were mountains right there. It is just soooo pitch black.

Christopher and I got up and the adventure began. I couldn't explain it, but I immediately felt some kind of energy there. I was trying to put my finger on it. It had a spiritual feel or something. Later, Colin would tell me he learned some theories that some people have about the energy at his conference. Apparently, it is something to do with the iron in the rocks attracting electricity and causing magnetic pulls or something like that. Alot of people believe that there are energy/magnetic vortexes scattered around the Sedona and that they have healing powers.

I know that I had alot more energy while I was out there and could never sleep beyond 7:30 am., when here at home I have no problem sleeping I woke at 12 noon lol. But there, I woke up at 7:30 and was ready to get outside!

To read more about that click (or copy and paste in your browser) here:

I am not a scientist or a doctor, but I know that it is just gorgeous out there and I definitely want to go back each year at the very least.


AnnMarie said...

so glad you had a great time! :)

robinbrittagain said...

i think it is going to be a yearly getaway from now on! =)

lahenry said...

Just reading what you wrote makes me want to go there!

robinbrittagain said...

lol - on the way up to new hampshire yesterday, the pilot was chatting with christopher and noticed his arizona t-shirt. he informed me that he was from pheonix and when i told him how much i loved sedona, he and the co-pilot said yeah, this time of year, but in the summer when it's 117 degrees...not so much!