Friday, July 10, 2009

The Weary Traveler

So, I am back from Toronto...for six days! Yep, we are leaving again on Thursday. Again, I am deciding weather or not it is worth the effort of unpacking!! I am The Weary Traveler! We did have a good trip. The weather was beautiful mostly. It was a welcome relief from the heat here. The last few days however, were a bit too chilly. I think it was low 60's high 50's. I never paid attention to the metric system in school. I distinctly remember blowing it off thinking to myself "I'm never going to need THIS". LOL.

Brit is getting set for her first "doolie day" out tomorrow. She will be joining her fellow gymnasts at her coaches house for a day of much needed relaxation. She sent several requests via her coaches through email and texting and phone calls that she wanted her hot rollers mailed to her coaches house. That's my girl! Since I was in Toronto at the time, I got word to her dad that I thought she had earned a new set of hot rollers and a nice care package. Happily, he agreed and sent her sister Taylor to the store with his credit card. Taylor picked out some new curlers and her favorite shampoo and conditioner along with razors and lotion, etc. I'm sure she is feeling quite grubby now and will enjoy a nice hot bubble bath at her coaches house!

Everyone else is doing well. Taylor loves her job at GAP. Hope is showing Llamas at a fair this weekend with her best friend. She will be coming to Florida for a visit on July 22nd. Not soon enough for her brother though. He still lets me know at least five times daily that he misses Hopey.

My poor dog is starting to think she lives at the kennel. I am told that she is Miss Popular at her kennel and this last time the owner told me that he didn't think her feet touched the ground once while she was there. She is getting spoiled with all the attention there.

1 comment:

AnnMarie said...

welcome home...for now :)