Friday, April 10, 2009

Battle of THE BULDGE!

(Ahh, the old days)

Ok, so in my last post I briefly mentioned that I had lost 5 pounds. Well, let me back up a little and make it clear that that 5 pounds is 5 pounds out of the 7 pounds I gained over the holidays!! That is added to the 10 I already wanted to lose! I was so angry at myself for gaining 7 pounds over the holidays.

Since turning 40, it has become painfully clear to me that weight loss is going to be a huge battle. After I had Christopher, I was somehow able to manage losing the first 30 of the 40 that I had gained while pregnant. (I think the stress of everything played a big part of that.) The last 10 pounds (10-12) not so easy.

I go up and down... lose three....gain five! ARRRR.

I've been asking Colin for his advice (obviously) but still sticking to my old ways and trying to lose it the way that used to work for me...counting carbs or trying to starve myself. Forget it!

As of now, I am just watching my calories; trying to keep it around 1,000 a day (for now) and riding my exercise bike 6 miles a day without fail. I have to accept that after 40 it is a SLOW process. The days of dropping 6 pounds in a week are OVER!

I am more trying to focus on the fact that I need to do this for my overall health and not that I want to look good in a bikini this summer. (Although, I have set a goal for Britany's graduation in June...we'll see..I still have to get through Easter!)

By the way..get a look at those high waisted 80's jeans! And those eyebrows! Tweezers anyone??? Let's not even talk about the hair.


AnnMarie said...

LOVE the pic! Too fun and good luck. I am trying so hard to stop eating the Peeps but I love them so :) I eat when stressed...that's why I can't get any of it off....I hope to change that soon but we shall see.

lahenry said...

Haha!! Love the jeans Robin!! I wish I had a picture to post like that! 1000 calories a day is not enough for you to be eating, that is way too low. You probably should be around 1500 a day. Sometimes if you don't eat enough, it backfires and your metabolism stalls.